Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Two window browser setup to bypass corporate firewall using iOS hotspot

I've just changed a department and was surprised by more strict corporate rules applied to my windows account.
More blogs and sites became totally unreachable because of the corporate firewall.
So to continue productive work I rolled out the following setup:
1. Second LAN connection through iPhone 3gs' wired hotspot established.
2. Second palemoon (a firefox fork) profile created (named backdoor).
3. Second palemoon profile was assigned a different theme (and a different icon by AutoHotkey script that will be covered in the following posts).
4. A shortcut was made that binds second palemoon instance (with 'backdoor' profile) to specific LAN interface using a ForceBindIP utility:
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ForceBindIP.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pale Moon\palemoon.exe" dummy -p backdoor -no-remote
The dummy argument is used because of the feature of the ForceBind utitlity: it does not pass the first given parameter to the program specified.
Given IP should be replaced with actual ip-address of the second LAN interface.
Now I can surf through unblocked sites through a corporate LAN and access restricted ones through an iPhone hotspot.

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