Such function will be very useful for unloading results of an arbitrary query to delimited flat files.
function cursor_to_flat( a_cur in sys_refcursor, a_delimiter in varchar2, a_line_break in varchar2 ) return ty_clob_tbl pipelined as v_prev_rn pls_integer := 0; v_clob clob; begin FOR cur_val IN ( SELECT t.rn , EXTRACTVALUE ( t2.COLUMN_VALUE, 'node()' ) VALUE FROM ( select rownum rn, column_value from TABLE ( XMLSEQUENCE ( a_cur ) ) ) t , TABLE (XMLSEQUENCE ( EXTRACT ( t.COLUMN_VALUE, '/ROW/node()' ) ) ) t2 order by 1 ) LOOP if ( 0 = v_prev_rn ) then v_clob := cur_val.value; else if ( v_prev_rn != cur_val.rn ) then v_clob := v_clob || a_line_break; pipe row ( v_clob ); v_clob := cur_val.value; else v_clob := v_clob || a_delimiter || cur_val.value; end if; end if; v_prev_rn := cur_val.rn; END LOOP; pipe row ( v_clob ); end;Unit test code:
select * from table( pk_utils.cursor_to_flat( cursor( select 1, 2, 3 from dual union all select 4, 5, 6 from dual ) ) );NB! One problem with this approach is that if you have NULLs in your result set, then they will be completely skipped (not wrapped with delimiters). Now I'm trying to solve it.
The author of SQL*Plus tips. #2 was totally awesome pointing out how to handle NULLs. Resulting function takes query as clob, but one can easily rollout version with sys_refcursor, as dbms_xmlgen.newcontext will accept it.
function query_to_flat( a_query in clob, a_delimiter in varchar2, a_line_break in varchar2 ) return ty_clob_tbl pipelined as v_prev_rn pls_integer := 0; v_clob clob; v_cur sys_refcursor; v_xml clob; v_context dbms_xmlgen.ctxtype; begin v_context := dbms_xmlgen.newcontext( a_query ); dbms_xmlgen.setnullhandling( v_context, dbms_xmlgen.empty_tag ); v_xml := dbms_xmlgen.getxml( v_context ); dbms_xmlgen.closecontext( v_context ); for cur_val in ( select row_num , col_value from xmltable( --<<<ML '(#ora:view_on_null empty #){ for $a at $i in /ROWSET/ROW , $r in $a/* return element ROW{ element ROW_NUM{$i} , element COL_VALUE{$r/text()} } }' --ML; passing xmltype(v_xml) columns row_num int , col_value varchar2(100) ) ) loop if ( 0 = v_prev_rn ) then v_clob := cur_val.col_value; else if ( v_prev_rn != cur_val.row_num ) then v_clob := v_clob || a_line_break; pipe row ( v_clob ); v_clob := cur_val.col_value; else v_clob := v_clob || a_delimiter || cur_val.col_value; end if; end if; v_prev_rn := cur_val.row_num; END LOOP; pipe row ( v_clob ); end;NB!This solution is still has some drawbacks for large dataset as all data is placed into variable, consuming PGA.
I'll try to address this issue in the following post.
And here's the followup post!
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