Wednesday 14 May 2014

Delphi: Most useful keyboard shortcuts

Here are most useful keyboard shortcuts for Delphi IDE, that I extracted from this wiki (some of these I did not know before).
TabIn Object Inspector activates incremental search for properties. Press again Tab to move focus to property value
Ctr+EIncremental search (search is an undoable action)
Ctrl+Shift+IIndent the current selected block
Ctrl+K I
Ctrl+Shift+UUnindent the current selected block
Ctrl+K U
Alt+[Go to matching paranthesis
Alt+LeftBrowse backward (hotlink history)
Alt+RightBrowse forward (hotlink history)
Alt+UpBrowse to symbol under editor cursor (invoke a hotlink and add it to the hotlink history)
Ctrl+F5Add watch
Alt+GGo to line number in editor
Ctrl+SpaceInvoke code completition
Ctrl+Shift+SpaceInvoce code parameter hints
Ctrl+EnterOpen file at cursor
Ctrl+Shift+EnterFind all references
Ctrl+Shift+UpNavigate to method implementation/declaration
Ctrl+Alt+PActivate the Tool Palette in filtering mode (start typing, press Enter to drop component)
Ctrl + /Comment line/selected block
Ctrl + Shift + TAdd TODO
F11Invoke Object Inspector window
Shift+Alt+F11Invoke Structure window
Ctrl+Alt+BInvoke Breakpoints window
By the way, I made this cool looking table with emacs Org mode ;-)

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