Wednesday, 11 June 2014

SQLDeveloper: Handy user report to generate column names and data types for arbitrary query

I've already covered the tough question on converting arbitrary query to clob delimited text (Take 1 and Take 2). The resulting function used a code snippet that produced a list of column names and their datatypes in it's intestines. Based on that snippet here's a SQLDeveloper user reports that produces a list of column names and their datatypes for arbitrary query. A result of a report is ready to be used in create (temporary) table statement or insert statement (for target columns) and in many other ways.
Here's the text of a report:
/* */
  v_ref_cur SYS_REFCURSOR;
  v_cur_handle NUMBER;
  v_count NUMBER;
  v_desc_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab;
  v_statement clob := :a_statement;
  v_print_data_type pls_integer := :a_print_data_type;
  DELIMITER constant varchar2( 5 char ) := chr( 13 ) || chr( 10 ) || chr( 9 ) || ', ';
  PROCEDURE print_desc_tab( a_desc_tab IN sys.dbms_sql.desc_tab, a_print_data_type in pls_integer ) as
    v_data_type VARCHAR2(30);
    v_delimiter varchar2( 30 char ) := '';  
    dbms_output.put_line( '<pre>' );
    FOR i IN 1 .. a_desc_tab.count LOOP
      SELECT DECODE( to_char( a_desc_tab( i ).col_type ), 1, 'VARCHAR2', 2, 'NUMBER', 12, 'DATE' )
      INTO v_data_type
      FROM dual
      dbms_output.put( v_delimiter || a_desc_tab( i ).col_name );
      if ( 1 = a_print_data_type ) then
        dbms_output.put( ' ' || v_data_type);  
        case a_desc_tab( i ).col_type
          when 1 then
            dbms_output.put( '(' || to_char( a_desc_tab( i ).col_max_len ) || ' char)' );  
          when 2 then
            if ( 0 != a_desc_tab( i ).col_precision ) then
                '(' || to_char( a_desc_tab( i ).col_precision ) || ', ' || to_char( a_desc_tab( i ).col_scale ) || ')'  
            end if;
        end case;
      end if;
      v_delimiter := DELIMITER;
    dbms_output.put_line( '</pre>' );
  END print_desc_tab;
  OPEN v_ref_cur FOR v_statement;

  v_cur_handle := dbms_sql.to_cursor_number( v_ref_cur );
  dbms_sql.describe_columns( v_cur_handle, v_count, v_desc_tab );
  print_desc_tab( v_desc_tab, v_print_data_type );
  dbms_sql.close_cursor( v_cur_handle );
And here's the link for user report (hosted on Google drive). Once downloaded it can be imported into SQLDeveloper.

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